The Dawn of the Digital Enterprise—How Process Improvement Has Changed

The digital revolution has created a new focus for process improvement—one that spans operations and also customer interaction and administration. With this expanded focus comes the need to improve processes more openly, more iteratively and more collaboratively.

Join this webinar with Research Director Neil Ward-Dutton of MWD Advisors to learn:

  • The latest process improvement trends
  • The human factor of process improvement
  • Process improvement best practices and pitfalls

See how to leverage the cloud and social collaboration to improve process performance and differentiate your business. Each participant has the chance to win a Process Live welcome package valued at €600+.


Best regards,

Software AG

Register Now


April 17, 2014


11 a.m. EST / 5 p.m. CET



Neil Ward-Dutton

Research Director

MWD Advisors


Joerg Klueckmann

Product Marketing

Software AG

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