Dear Guest,

You are cordially invited to an exclusive Software AG event!

Please join me on May 15th at CITI Field to attend our New York Innovation Forum. The Innovation Forum will be immediately followed by an evening in a CITI Field luxury suite where guests will enjoy the NY Mets take on the NY Yankees Subway Series game!

For eight consecutive years, Software AG has been an established leader in 15 software technology market categories by Gartner and Forrester analyst firms. Don’t miss your chance to learn and bring back insights and recommendations to your organization on how to become an innovative, digital enterprise.

By attending, you will:

  • Gain valuable insight into technology challenges
  • Share best practices with your peers
  • Hear the latest customer and product innovations from Software AG
  • Meet business thought leaders and experts
  • Enjoy a Subway Series game in a CITI Field private suite which includes a visit from a former Mets player and the official Mets mascot; Mr. Met as well as a chance to win an autographed baseball …and more.

Innovation Day Forum Agenda:

11:45 am – Guests Arrive (all guests will go through security)

12:00 pm – Innovation Forum (Lunch and snacks will be served) in Mets Auditorium

6:00 pm – Reception & Mets v. Yankees Game in Mets Game Suite (7pm game)

Don’t miss this exclusive event! Seats are limited!

Register today

PS. Please note: guests may only attend the evening game if they attend the Innovation Forum seminar that day.


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