I need to see what are the architectural components of BPMS Aris. I could not view the site. I want to check what are the individual components (BAM, BRE, IAE, ...). Thank you.
ARIS is not BPMS platform. ARIS is BPA (Business Process Analysis + EA) or BPM platform. So In ARIS you can not find BAM,BRE, EAI..architectural components.
Software AG has another product platform for this...called "WebMethods", is BPMS. In this you can find BAM, EAI, BRE, ESB..etc.
ARIS has Business Rule module to define Business Rules more specific at strategic level rather than executation level. I remember, Software AG has plan to move this Bussiness Rule functionality from business leyer (ARIS) to Executation layer (WebMethods). WebMethods already have very strong BRE functionality.