<p>I am using ARIS Advanced. I am currently doing a hands-on lab that requires me to create a new user account for a new employee.&nbsp;&nbsp;The hands-on lab specifies that I must give this new user a username, name, password, and an associated user group. The option for a password, however, is unavailable. So I wanted to ask if sending out an invitation is the only formal way to add a user to your project room or if there is a functionality that allows one to create a user and assign a password to them.</p>
by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Sat, 01/21/2023 - 11:25

Dear William,

Maybe the instructions you are looking are rather meant for ARIS Enterprise, or simply not yet matching the improved user interface of ARIS Advanced.

When inviting a new user there's no option to set an initial password because it's automatically generated and being sent with the invitation. And in case a user forgots their password, they can reset it from the login screen.



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