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Within my company I am creating an architecture of our E2E processes and involved the Business processes. Some of the defined business processes differ a little bit depending on which client group it is used for. Depinding on the client group, different actors perform the tasks, an extra task is needed or different, KPI'S or RACI  (different execution teams and process execution leads for instance) are applicable. For us it is still the same business process, but we want to show it has variants depending on client group. We can only add E2E and Business process objects on our process domain lifecycle overview and connect BPMN models for further insights. 

We could go with adding different Business process for each variant and use the client group name as sort of a label, but this makes the overview cluttered and variants are other than te naming not connected. In an ideal world it would be nice to have some kind of Business process master where variants can be connected to without the need of connecting BPMN models to show this. 

Any ideas on this or solutions that already are available in Aris?  I know we do not always have al available functions in Aris, but we can request to add these. 

We do not have the option to use variants yet like this:Using ARIS Variants to capture As-Is and To-Be Models | ARIS BPM Community (, but this solution looks to be more focussed on BPMN models. 

Kind regards, 


by Klemens Hauk
Posted on Mon, 08/19/2024 - 18:40

Hi Yannick,

in ARIS Cloud Advanced this functionality is available, exactly in the way you want (as far as I understand you right). What ARIS version do you have?



by Yannick Zweep Author
Posted on Mon, 08/19/2024 - 19:11

In reply to by keha

Hi Klemens, 

That sounds promising! We now have ARIS version:

by Klemens Hauk
Posted on Mon, 08/19/2024 - 21:31

Which Edition? Basic, Advanced, Enterprise?

Regards, Klemens

by Yannick Zweep Author
Posted on Wed, 08/21/2024 - 16:52

I had to ask within the company, they believe we are using Enterprise, although they are still verifying this. Given that we have over 200 users and have Role-based access, it makes sense that we would be on the Enterprise plan.

It appears that we are restricted from using the variants option in this case. Therefore, we will need to set up separate business processes for each variant if the have a different FAD/attributes.

by Klemens Hauk
Posted on Wed, 08/21/2024 - 18:29

It makes no sense to restrict the use of this basic functionality, especially for large enterprises. Are you sure you don't have it? As you are from a Dutch Company may be you can read a little bit German to understand the German slides in the screenshot attached. Click on the model and go into the details window of the explorer, there you should see the tab "Variant" to manage variants.



by Yannick Zweep Author
Posted on Thu, 08/22/2024 - 09:50

In reply to by keha

I just checked and the variants section is visible, but it is currently not functional. The buttons are not clickable for various types of diagrams, such as FADS and eBPMN.

i read on the ARIS help page that To create and manage variants, you must have the Variant manager function privilege. So I will request this.

Am I correct in understanding that once the variant feature is enabled, it can be used for all types of diagrams? For instance, could we create multiple variants for a Function Allocation Diagram, allowing us to show that the business process in certain departments uses different applications and has a different RACI?

by Klemens Hauk
Posted on Tue, 08/27/2024 - 11:19

I hope you could clarify the rights issue in the meantime. 

Yes, you can use it for FADs and as far as i know for all other types of diagrams, too.

Good luck.


by Yannick Zweep Author
Posted on Tue, 08/27/2024 - 16:48

In reply to by keha

Thanks for all the information, very helpful.  I am in discussion to add the variants option, so hopefully I can start using it soon.




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