BPM is the English acronym of Business Process Management ,roughly five meaning , namely business process management, is a set of links to achieve the integration of various business enterprises a comprehensive management model. Business Process Modeling, namely business process modeling, business process is a way of expression, it is the process of analyzing and restructuring an important foundation. In addition, music BPM (Beat Per Minute) means the number of beats per minute units, Bipolar membran refers bipolar membrane, Beam Propagation Method refers to the beam propagation method.
In the 1990s, Michael Hammer and James Champy's fame as "Reengineering the Corporation" (Reengineering the Corporation) a book company in the United States triggered a wave field on the surging wave of business process improvement. This two management guru in the book shows that such a view - redesigning the company's processes, structure and culture can bring about a significant improvement on the performance. However, due to the lack of change management and employee change initiative concerns in many committed to their theory into practice companies who produce counterproductive results. Once the golden rule of the business process reengineering eclipsed, and becomes off when. Today, business process reengineering has a new name - Business Process Management (BPM), and re-entered the popular slots. Affected by global competitive pressures, consumer and government regulation of the stimulus, U.S. companies are re-examining their business processes, to find more efficient ways, through automation or even outsourcing means to implement them. Business Process Management company again - this through analysis, modeling and optimization of business processes ongoing monitoring of practice, as a solution to business problems and help companies achieve their financial goals systematic approach.
"Companies are realizing comprehensive and reliable understanding of their processes to achieve any performance targets are very essential requirements", advisory bodies Process Renewal Group founder Roger Burlton said. "If the majority of organizations do not do something about business process management thing, then they must have been done at the beginning of term work."
Business processes (also called business process) in order to achieve the purpose of certain business logic implementation of a series of activities related to the collection, is the output of business processes to meet the needs of the market products or services. According to the function, and so different scope of management, business process management is generally divided into the production process layer, operation layer, plans and strategic levels four levels. Figure 1 was compared for each level. Process management at all levels are relatively independent, specific methods, but also between the levels are closely linked. First of all, the ultimate goal of senior management through lower business activities to achieve; Secondly, when the low-level management can not solve practical problems, we need to introduce high-level management, for example, when scheduling the operation layer resource allocation problem can not be resolved, it Description assigned to the number of resources you need to modify the process at this time need to introduce a program level management, resource capacity planning re-calculation; Finally, the low-level data for senior management decision-making basis, the company's strategic management and strategic management models and parameters from the actual business activities of the enterprise statistics accumulation. Therefore, from the entire business process management perspective, it is necessary to process these four levels into a unified management framework, and enterprise information systems linked.
From the point of view of enterprise information systems, office automation systems, transaction processing systems and decision support systems are common enterprise information systems, but these systems did not join the process, if only to help employees better complete some specific tasks. The emergence of the workflow system makes the whole process automatic transfer or automatic execution is possible, but generally only to solve the production workflow process layer problems, and corporate planning and strategic decision-making there is still a disconnect. In addition, with the enterprise business processes outside (suppliers and customers) extends traditional workflow system unable to resolve cross-enterprise process integration issues. For these reasons, business-oriented business process management solution which came into being.
Business processes are converted to one or more inputs to the output value to the customer's activities. In short, the business processes are involved in providing products or services to customers is the ultimate goal of a collection of organizational activities. A typical business process should include the following six elements: process purpose (its reason for existence); Enter the resource; according to a certain order of the activities performed; structure between these activities (mutual relations and role); output; This process creates value.
A foundation of business success is to coordinate resources through business processes to achieve business goals. Whether delivery of products to customers, together with our partners, or to guide the efforts of employees, business processes can be the company's products, brand and value organically woven together, for example, the following activities are those business processes: according to production needs, Arrangement of raw materials testing, storage and supply; answering customer inquiries; procurement from suppliers; to market new products. In fact, within the enterprise business process integration features a variety of services, business process has thus become a core business operational characteristics.