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Dear all,


I'm using Aris since somewhat more than one and a half years by now. Although I really like this little piece of software I have to admit that I get annoyed by it quite frequently these days.

Basically, I've identified to issues:

1. Java Webstart. Don't know why you really needed to implement that. Really. It's not that you release new updates every week. I've just experienced one in the last 1,5 years. The acutal problem is that I'm not always online but getting forced to go since Aris won't start otherwise. The size of my Java cache is up to the max, by the way.


2. Ever since going to version 2.3 I need to restart Aris multiple times when editing BPMN Models that have been created in 2.2. Seriously, when I go for Alt+Enter in order to edit a task it won't let me but demands a restart. Could somebody please explain how to fix this??


Looking forward to your help!




by S M Author
Posted on Mon, 10/22/2012 - 13:47

Really, nobody got an idea?

Any help refering to point two would be very much appreciated!


Thanks =)


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