
I was wondering what is the unique selling point of the Mashzone? Especially in comparison to other BI products.

Thank you,


by Munyaradzi Maketo
Posted on Sat, 10/29/2011 - 18:32

I will reply you shortly


by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Mon, 10/31/2011 - 15:54

Hi Yaara,

what makes MashZone unique is its ease of use. Typically users are pretty fast designing interactive dashboards. Its end-user friendly UI, including editors for visualization and data management, enable end users to create situational dashboards independently of their IT department.

What's important, however, is that you shouldn't compare MashZone with BI. MashZone addresses visualization of previously calculated results, only.

Full blown BI products like Cognos or Business Objects  add further complexity as the need to support all nasty details of ETL.

Beside its slickness and its graphical business user friendly UI MashZone is well integrated with Software AG products such as ARIS Business Architect, Risk and Compliance, Process Performance Manager, webMethods Optimize, webMethods Business Events and many more.




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