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Hello Community,

I want to have the possibility to filter speedometer in MashZone with multiple images, each image has a unique value, say for example each image represent one counter, the value could be the percentages of average servicing time. Now say I want to filter the speedometer to see the AST values when I click on each image separately.

I would appreciate if you can help me.


by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Fri, 07/29/2011 - 11:49


yes indeed, this has been hidden well. The key is that filtering works slightly different if label or images trigger the filter action.

In contrast to charts, tables and maps an image or text label doesn't return a selection coordinate. If you click one of a pie chat's segments the it's name is returned. But as images don't represent multiple values nothing is returned. However, an image might set selections in other widgets so selecting a table row might be simulated. (Such a helper table might be hidden.)

So, before clicking images filters your gauge you need a widget in between, e.g. as depicted below.

The table and the speedo are driven by the same data feed which consists of the two columns turnover and region. Clicking one of the images sets the table's selection, i.e. selects North, South, ... An image or label have the specify link action next to their data asignment control.

This shows a dialog which is similar to data assignment. Basically you can define two things: Compose an URL which is opened whenever a user clicked the image - or - set another widget's selection to a constant text value.

Activating define selection enables you to select the table from the widget list. By specifiing the constant text value North clicking the image is equivalent to select a table row where region column equals North.

Based on this the speedometer might be filtered according to the table. If you hide the table (behind images or by decreasing it's size) image clicking simulates speedo filtering.


by Yahya Naal Author
Posted on Thu, 09/08/2011 - 08:49

In reply to by suknag

Hi Stephan,

Thank you for your Precious advice, it’s really works.

I just returned from my vacation and sorry for the delay in my replay.



by Yahya Naal Author
Posted on Thu, 09/08/2011 - 08:46

Hi Stephan,

Thank you for your Precious advice, it’s really works.

I just returned from my vacation and sorry for the delay in my replay.



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