We have migrated reports data from ARIS 9.8 to ARIS 10 cloud, now want to schdule the report in cloud however not able to find the option on ARIS connect , please help.
7 Replies
Hi Yogesh,
Did you manage to schedule the report in cloud yet? From my understanding, you would like to set-up scheduled reports within ARIS.
Please confirm.
I will be able to assist you if you want to set-up scheduled reports for ARIS.
Thank you
Christopher Schubert
Hi André and Christopher
I am using ARIS Cloud 10.12 version.
Now able to schedule the report but its configured with 'system' account .
Where as we are logging in using with SSO Login but system does not allow us to change the user name .
This opens 2 more questions
Do I need to be logged into the system at the time of report execution ?
For example like I need to schedule a report everyday at 11 PM local time which will run for next 3-4 hours ?
If we setup use with 'System' Account will it automatically ran as per schedule without logging ?
So we use Aris Connect 10.0.20 with SSO and for some Administration Tasks I still run the Aris Architect 10.0.20 Client from a downloaded Client jar from our Cloud Instance which automatically also uses SSO.
I was just looking at scheduling a few reports I use to help with our monthly repository maintenance and was running into some of the same problems you have been describing. I have done some playing around and here is what I have found. Hopefully it is helpful.
First I don't want these scheduled reports to be run under my UserId and in fact when I tried that they failed anyway with invalid userid or password and I know I had them correct. I want to use a System Account that we have setup. Now of course the SSO onto Connect does this under my UserId and when I download the Archtitect Client to run the downloaded jar file it is also associated with my UserID and there is NO opportunity with SSO to change that when the Client runs. So I you can bring up Connent on the Browser and Skip SSO by using your usual URL and append the "/?skipsso=true" parameter (e.g. "https://your.ariscloud.com/?skipsso=true"). This allowed me to enter the System Account credentials to bring up Connect and then Download the Client under these credentials. So now when I run the Archtiect Client from this downloaded jar file the SSO is using the System Account credentials.
Now when I CREATE a Scheduled Report the unchangeable Default UserId for the report is the System Account. I need to supply the password, but then the Scheduled Report is setup and runs correctly without errors.
Now the next issue I ran into was "where is the report output". I couldn't find the report output using Connect or the Client and I couldn't find anything specific searching the Aris Community. I did notice 1 reference in the Aris Community to the fact that via the Aris Architect Client you can right click on a Scheduled Report and a dialoge pops up and 1 of the options it to "Display Result". So I tried that. What I found is if you click on Display Result another Dialogue pops up allowing you to Save the File. I tried putting in a File Name and Location that I wanted to save the output from a Scheduled Report that I verified had just run recently, but I would get an error that Windows coud not find the file. Through Trial and Error it seems like the ONLY place that I could save the scheduled report file to (by any name) was into my DOWNLOADs directory on the laptop that the Aris Client was running on (this was the same place the Aris Client jar file was downloaded to and run from). So there seems to be some connection, but I don't specifically know what it is.
So now I can automatically RUN a Scheduled Report on a Monthly basis using a System Account. Then I can SAVE (a.k.a. Download) the Scheduled Report Output using the Aris Client. The one unfortunate things is that I have to Sign On to Connect as the System Account and Download and Run the Aris Architect Client as the System Account to be ABLE to Save the Scheduled Report Output, but at least I can do it.
If anyone in the Aris Community knows how I can download the output from a Schduled Report using a DIFFERENT User Account than the one the Scheduled Report was run/created under that would be very helpful? Is the only way to do that via Aris Scripting? If so an example would be great.
Anyway, just thought I would add my experiences to this post as it may help others plus I was still left with a few questions.
Dear Michael,
You get more attention for your post and questions when posting a new article and refer to another discussion via link, instead of commenting an older post which only people would notice who are following you, or have commented here.
Runè -
see at the end of my post here : https://ariscommunity.com/users/m3b/2022-04-01-schedule-report-and-make-it-available-end-users-aris-document-storage
I illustrate how to save a (scheduled) report output to aris document storage ( users can download the report output through Connect Document Repository)
Michel and Rune, thank you so much for your responses. It is all becoming more clear to me now. As having not used ADS yet I hadn't made the connection that this is where to make the Scheduled Report Ouptput available to Other Users. I see it now and I will put my limited Aris Scripting skills to work :-) to see if I can get things working as described.
Rune you are absolutely right I likely should have started a new post, but my questions sort of came to me at the end of putting together the description of getting a Scheduled Report produced in the first place as there didn't seem to be a straight-forward step by step description when you have SSO set up to Aris 10 Connect, but need to use Aris 10 Client to actually Schedule a Report.
Anyway, I think I am on my way with this. Again thanks for the help.