Hi Aris guru,
I had a couple questions with regards to BPMN and EPC, hope you can provide the answer:
Q1. Can a business process model, which is using EPC, have more than one start event and more than one end event?
Q2. Can a business process model, which is using BPMN, have more than one start event and more than one end event?
Q3. If the EPC rule (i.e. Functions and events only have a single incoming and outgoing connection) applies to BPMN?
Q4. If multiple start events are allowed in a BPMN driven process modelling and all the start events which are connected to one function must first be combined with a logic rule before entering into the function?
Example: The following two events will lead to Function T, and both of them MUST link to logic rule symbol before connecting to Function T. Meaning both of the events are not allowed to go straight into Function T.
Start Event A / Start Event B ------> AND (OR, XOR) -------> FUNCTION T
Q5. There is a logic rule gateway object in BPMN call "Complex Gateway", is there such logic connector used in EPC (note, EPC only have OR, XOR and AND)