Hi ARIS Community
I've been using CASEWISE for the past 10 -12 years to process model, now I've got an opportunity through a potential new role to use ARIS
Can anyone help me with links / downloads / training material etc on how to / best methods / quick ways of using the tools to process modelling in ARIS eg F4 key does... type of thing
I've looked at the Cloud Express tutorials and the 3 training courses
Regards Andy
Dear Andy,
Since you are BPA professional you could of course skip the basics about BPA:
On the ARIS Community you can find a few short tutorials about ARIS 9. But of course, those video clips can't deliver you the knowledge which you would gain by attending an onsite training of 2 or 3 days.
So you should attend an ARIS onsite training. See the training catalog of Global Education Services.
Source: http://softwareag.com/training
It depends on the product you are starting with which training would suit you best.
When looking for tipcs & tricks your best source is of course the ARIS Community. If its built-in search doesn't reveal what you are looking for, then google the ARIS Community.