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A large enterprise in Japan has carried out a full cycle of BPM once as a project. Now the project was finished, they are faced with the problem how to keep the BPM active. Can you share your experiences or opinions to overcome this situation?

Best regards,


by Alexander Cherednichenko
Badge for 'Answermachine' achievement
Posted on Tue, 07/10/2012 - 15:14

It seems like to make medical diagnostics for somebody by phone – is it possible? I’m not sure. In the same way it’s impossible to say how to keep the BPM active when you don’t understand enterprise objectives and BPM project goals. In this formulation of the problem you only get general answers, if at all will get, since it can be written on many books

by Masashi HIJIKATA
Posted on Mon, 08/20/2012 - 04:02

I'm in charge of development a methodology of BPM.

In our company, we've compiled our standard business processes

into the ARIS database for SAP system introduction.

I mainly continue three efforts to keep our BPM active.

(1) Legal compliance

We use the BPM methodology for the audit of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act

in specific business domain,

and am going to enlarge the target domain.

It become a steady safeguard not to let our BPM become outdated.

(2) Link with EA

BPM can contribute to the TCO optimization activities

of our information system section

by relating the system life cycle management

to the standard business process management.

It takes time to show result, but there is big merit that

it is easy to show the effect with an amount of money.

(3) Process KPI Monitoring

We measure process KPI by ARIS PPM

and publish Process KPI report every month.

However, it is very difficult to show

concrete contribution to corporate management.


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