Hi, all.
ARIS 10.0.6's runnables(abs_m, arcm_m, copernicus_m) are stuck in "starting" status and those are not chaneged to "started" status. The log messages for all stucked runnables are as follows.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2019/04/22 12:36:48 | 2019-04-22 12:36:48,021|INFO |Runnable state monitoring thread abs_m| com.aris.prov.agent.plugin.WebappPlugin.abs_m - Pinging port 14400 failed! java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
INFO | jvm 1 | 2019/04/22 12:36:48 | 2019-04-22 12:36:48,021|INFO |Runnable state monitoring thread abs_m| com.aris.prov.agent.plugin.base.RunnableStateMonitoringThread.abs_m - Ping level 1 ping failed.
How can I troubleshoot this problem?
these log entries are common and not related to your problem.
You would normallly have to look at the log files of the specific runnables for further analysis like for an example ( U:\ARIS10.0\server\bin\work\work_abs_l\base\webapps\abs\log cip.log, internalero.log, server.log )
But judging from the combination of runnables not starting i would guess without further info that you have an external database system selected and trouble with the database configuration/connection.
Make sure that you prepared the database schemas in the external DBMS and check the configuration data entered for typos.
You can also take a look at the cip.log in the abs directory mentioned above for more detailed error messages
Hello Young-Ki Kim, Patrick
I would like to know how does that issue was solved, I have the same error here. I did change the ARIS database user properties. After that ARIS Connnect does not publish. Sending an 500 internal server error.
When execute Start ARIS command the same runnables are stuck in "starting" status.
Hi Miguel,
I do not know how this specific issue was solved but it would not help you anyway as you experience the same symptom (Database can not be accessed) but there are too many possibilities as the reason.
It can be wrong preparation of the database schemas before the installation types in database access, incompatibilities of OJDBC drivers and so on..
I would recommend to take a look at these files
<ARIS Installation directory>\server\bin\work\work_abs_<memory size>\base\webapps\abs\log\cip.log
<ARIS Installation directory>\server\bin\work\work_abs_<memory size>\base\webapps\abs\log\internalerror.log
as they will offer you the best shot at an error message like an ORA- Errror Message, Login credentials failed etc.
If you cannot identify the problem here, please post them here.
Thank´s for your request Patrik.
As you recommended, I did check these files and I saw that ARIS could not find the database instance, so I read the manuals and I executed this procedure:
- Stop all runnables except zoo_m
>stopall or
>quick killall
>start zoo_m
- Check external status services
>list external services
>show external service <service ID> example >show external service db0000000000
- Change the required settings
>update external service db0000000000 url="jdbc:sqlserver://ip:1433;DatabaseName=ARIS10DB;instanceName=ARIS10DB" host="hostName or ip"
- Restart runnables
That solved the problem
Best regards from Mexico