Please help me!
I use 'ARIS Business Architect for SAP 7.2'.
I create a new database and add new language. And then I add a new font format named 'korean'.
I check the font format name 'korean' and then log out.
After relogin, the font format name is changed '(untitled)'.
What's wrong?
Please help me~~!
Most of all, thank you for your fast reply.
I explain my problem with document.
I hope you read attached document.
Thank you.
Thank you~ Mr.Vladimir Bis !
Fortunately, I solved my problem for your help.
I thought your advice... Finally I figured out basic principle.
Create font format is influenced by database language.
When I log in ARIS, I selected korean language.
And then I create 'korean language font format' with cheking 'default font'.
As a result, the font format name didn't changed.
Thank you for your reply~ ^^
Happy New Year~~
Hi Yeobok,
I'm glad you solved problem.
Only one remark - look page 5 in document you attached. On this form you can check languages. If you then login in some of these languages, you will see font name. If you login in language you didn't check, you will see font name "Untitled".
Happy New Year