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Hey there!

I have experienced a problem in MashZone lately. I have a Column chart, where the column colors are defined by a "color" column with Hexa codes. This chart is connected to various filteres, and after a while of filtering, the whole MashApp becomes slow, and eventually times out. I have to restart the whole MashApp after that, but than crashes again. I had to eventually drop this color column and use Standard colors, and the problem didn't occur any more. It seems that, when more than 10-15 columns have to be colored (by the hexa codes that are in the DataFeed), it's just too much for MashZone to handle. Btw, I have a decent computer that complies with the hw/sw requirements. Are there any plans to improve the chart color function in the future?



by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Mon, 10/17/2011 - 08:39

Hi Zsolt,

this shouldn't be an issue of course therefore the developers will take care of it.





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