You can use data from ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager in ARIS MashZone to create evaluations.

First you use data lists in ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager to create an ARIS MashZone URL. Then in ARIS MashZone you establish a direct link to ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager to access the corresponding data. And finally, you configure a graphical representation. You can also manually create or edit the URL created in ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager.

The details of these processes will be introduced in this and further videos.
In this video you will learn more about the topic "Creating an ARIS MashZone URL".

Log in to ARIS Risk and Compliance Manager. Activate the Administration module. Click on "Create MashZone URL" in the "Imports and exports" area.

The lists and filters for creating an ARIS MashZone URL are displayed. Since ARIS MashZone expects data in table form with a defined header, the data from ARIS Risk and Compliance Manager is prepared accordingly.

Please note that attributes identified with a filter symbol can be used for filtering in ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager, but are not output in ARIS Mashzone.

If you position the mouse pointer over an attribute, the label used for the attribute in the ARIS Mashzone URL is displayed.

The Language filter specifies the language in which the language-specific content will be displayed in the evaluation. Language-specific attributes are, for example, for a risk, the impact and the probability.

The risk types in ARIS MashZone will be evaluated in the following example. If required, use filters to limit data selection. For our example we will use the list unfiltered.

The URL is created according to the selected list. Copy it to the clipboard. To learn more about how the URL is used in MashZone take a look at the video "Using an ARIS MashZone URL". For more information about how to edit a URL in ARIS MashZone please see the video "Editing an ARIS MashZone URL".

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