Tooltips: short info texts can be displayed in models for the following elements: objects, connections, columns and row headers.

Move the mouse pointer over an object and wait a moment. A box is displayed that informs you about the name, type, object symbol, time of generation, the last change and the path under which the object is saved in the database. You can also receive information about connections. Move the mouse pointer over a connection. You see, the connection type is displayed. Now, move the mouse pointer over a column header and then over a row header. The names of the columns and rows are displayed. A tooltip is useful when the content is not displayed at all or only partially displayed. This is the case with the row header "Marketing department: Initial product definition".

You just learned about tooltips and their configuration possibilties.

Did you know: You can inform yourself about new and special application functionalties in the Home area. The entries in the area "Did you know..." have symbols in front of them. A question mark symbol indicates tips that are interesting for all modules. Module-specific tips are indicated by the relevant module symbol. Thus for example, there are Designer, Explorer and Administration symbols. If further information is available for an entry in the online help, then links to the information are provided. Click on a link to open the help page. Of course, you can view all of the entries. To do so, use the navigation buttons under the notes. Every click fills the area with new notes. If you wish to find previous entries, simply click on the "Back" button. If you wish to see all of the entries from the beginning, click on "Back to beginning".

You just learned about the "Did you know" area and its navigation options.

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