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Business process management – discussions, news and articles

This BPM community is open for all discussions among tools and your expertise with them. Let's share knowledge, network with other experts and experience new approaches to BPM. Participate in discussions and download free ARIS Express to kickoff your BPM effort!


  1. Eva Klein

    63 Points

  2. Mahad Ali

    26 Points

  3. Kiril Popov

    23 Points

  4. Leanne Wotton

    23 Points

  5. PS
    Pankaj Sangwan

    18 Points

  1. Alexander Cherednichenko

    5769 Points

  2. Runé Becker

    5032 Points

  3. André Vitor Oliveira

    3907 Points

  4. Veronika Ellermann

    3227 Points

  5. MZ
    M. Zschuckelt

    2773 Points


12782 Results
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