Hey there ....

I'm using ARIS Enterprise (Aris Aware license),  Below is the steps i followed to create Data-feeds and then Dashboard ...

a) I have created an excel with few rows and columns.

b) Uploaded excel inside ARIS DOCUMENT STORAGE(ADS) and copied link of excel.

c) Clicked on "Dashboard and Data-Feed" from left menu.

d) Clicked on "Data-Feed" ...then click on "+" button on Top-Right corner.

e) The i have selected "Excel" as data-feed option and pasted excel link.

f) Then i clicked on "setting" and enter my credential for authentication purpose.

f) Now i clicked on "Calculate" and the Data-Feed get calculated.

g) I have used above Data-Feed to create dashboard.

h) After creating dashboard , my Data-Feed go vanished/disappeared from Data-Feed list.

Attached is the snapshot for reference purpose .

Error Snapshot of List of Data-Feed

Looking forward for guidance / support



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