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I'm new to ARIS Express. I downloaded the ARIS Express setup file and then installed in on my laptop but every time I try and access ARIS Express it wants to go online. If I chose for it to do so then it downloads the application all over again! What am I doing wrong?

by Daniel Kröger
Posted on Tue, 06/19/2012 - 08:13

Do you use Windows?

It's highly recommended to install ARIS Express with on Windows.

You can uninstall ARIS Express in Control panel -> Java or run the command javaws -viewer


If you have Linux or Mac OS you can only install ARIS Express with the jnlp file.

Please try this in that case:

by Masky101 Masky101
Posted on Tue, 06/19/2012 - 19:20

Same here, even after installing it keeps requesting to go online to download and run the application. infact right now its even unable to install after requesting to go online.

will appreciate an assistance

by Ing. Reinhard Kolacke MSc
Posted on Wed, 06/20/2012 - 08:16

I´ve got the same probplem.

Ist seems that there is something wronge with the Istalltion file.

by Daniel Kröger
Posted on Wed, 06/20/2012 - 09:09

If you have Windows:

Uninstall ARIS Express in Control panel -> Java (or run the command javaws -viewer)

by deleting the Java Cache. Please be careful if you have other Java Webstart Applications!

Install ARIS Express with


If you have Mac OS or Linux:

Follow this guide:

You need to modify your hosts file.

To test your modification you can run this command several times:


It must always return the same IP.





by Leonard Ulicny
Posted on Fri, 07/06/2012 - 16:33

I am having the same problem.  Per Mr.  Kröger note, I uninistalled ARIS express by deleting the Java Cache.  Downloaded a fresh copy of the windows set-up file.  During the installation, Windows launched the Java Web Start application and apparently downloaded the Java version.  Clicked the desktop icon and it lauches Java Web Start.


by Jack Veenendaal
Posted on Tue, 10/16/2012 - 07:09

Same problem here.  I followed Dr Sebastian Steins suggestion (on FAQ's) but the problem persited.  Any other suggestions?


by Kristaps Muzikants
Posted on Wed, 10/17/2012 - 16:23

I have the same problem. I have tried different solutions mentioned in this topic and other ones and problem still persists - After clicking on Aris Express icon system asks to go online > then downloads Aris Express> installs it > then I get error message "Unable to launch application".

Any other suggestions, what can I try to do?

by Frank Weyand
Posted on Thu, 10/18/2012 - 09:19

Hi Kristaps,

please have a look here:

There is a bug in the new Java version 7, which prevents ARIS Express to start. Most likely, you automatic JRE update installed this version. There is no other way to go back to an older JRE, until the new version of the JRE is available.



by Francois BAUX
Posted on Wed, 01/23/2013 - 20:04

great tip!!!

now Aris express 2.4 doesn't dowaload at each launch :)

but it always ask for log in : 

accept, log, choice language

any clue 


about that?


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