
We would like to know how to replace connection Role " Accepts"  to connection role "Technical Responsible". Deleteing and recreating connection role will take lot of time and effort. Is there any way to replace all connection role in one go or with simple method. Please suggest.

Best Regards

Amit Chauhan

by Frank Adolph
Posted on Tue, 10/22/2013 - 09:45

Dear Amit,

are you actually using ARIS Express or Process Live? Just asking because you posted in the Process Live Blog and tagged your post with ARIS Express ...



by Amit Chauhan Author
Posted on Tue, 10/22/2013 - 18:41

Dear Frank:

No I am not using ARIS Express or process live. I posted my query here as i am not getting any response from other community group and i am seriously looking for the solution. I preassumed if someone in process live group would have any knowledge to support/guide me on my query.


Best Regards

Amit Chauhan


by karthikeyan balasubramanian
Posted on Fri, 10/25/2013 - 06:13

Dear Amit,

One option is if you do not want to use " Accepts" connection type anymore then, Rename the connection type from " Accepts" to "Technical Responsible" in server attributes. So that the changes would reflect in all models whereever the "Accepts" connection is used. No manual effort is required to replace from all models.

Best Regards


by Amit Chauhan Author
Posted on Mon, 10/28/2013 - 07:11

In reply to by karthikeyan

Dear Kartik:

Thank you very much for the information. We will implement it internally. 

Warm Regards

Amit Chauhan

by Amit Chauhan Author
Posted on Sat, 11/09/2013 - 09:03

In reply to by c_amit2

Dear Kartik:


We are looking for some techincal support for ARIS. Is it good for you to get connected. Please confirm.


Best Regards Amit Chauhan



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