I'm looking for a way to extract a report/log (you name it…) of all users logging activities to the ARIS server (7.2).
Something like:
User X logged to server Y @ HH:MM and connection time was Z hours
I did some more checking and check the 5.3.7 Logging of the ARIS server install and admin guide. Log user logins (Account logging)
Logging is disabled by default. Use this setting to log login procedures for an ARIS Business
Server after the connection has been terminated.
1. Open the file <ARIS installation directory>\server\config\userServerSettings.cfg and
insert the following:
<accounting state="on" level="MINIMAL" />
2. Restart ARIS Business Server.
In the log file <ARIS installation directory>\server\accounting\arisaccountlog.xml basic
information is recorded. Which ARIS client was connected to the ARIS Business Server at which
time is logged. This helps you, for example, to determine the number of licences being used.