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The Governing Framework

The Governing Framework depicts the relationships between the means and the end and how the process approach addresses each of the components and serves as the ‘master plan’ for determining Organizational design.


The ‘End’ refers to the results or end states to be achieved by the organization.(also referred to as an ‘Event’ in the EPC chain. Results are measurable and will define when a process is completed, number of cycles, and/or the volume and/or value to be measured. It follows a hierarchy from Vision expanding into Goals; ‘Quantifying’ the ‘Objectives; Objectives explaining the ‘Position’ to be reached.


The ‘Means” refers to the course of action or ‘Moves’ to be done  to enable the organization  to reach the  desired ‘End’ state. The course depicts the flow of ‘Actions’ and will determine What, Where, Who, How the actions need to performed. It follows a hierarchy from ‘Mission’, operating the Vision and expanding into Strategic plans, driving business goals; Strategic plans implementing various business tactics, deployed to achieve business objectives and business tactics directing the moves as dictated by the organization position.


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