Hi All,
Just reaching out to see if anyone can advise me on the way to update attributes on models, objects & connection types in bulk using an Excel import.
For example, to be able to:
- Add a prefix to all process models
- Add unique descriptions to each process model
- Change information from one attribute to another
I'm pretty sure it's something I have done before, but can't recall how.
Hi Leanne,
I had a similar issue and maybe my ideas and Veronikas answer might be helpful for you as well.
Let me just share the link to my thread:
Best regards,
Hi ,
Thanks for sharing.
I recall there being 2 out of the box reports... an export & import attributes report in ARIS, which would pull all the current data out in an Excel format, provide the ability to update & then re-import, which would then overwrite the attributes.
However, can't recall what these reports were called, or find something similar in my reports list.
Advice appreciated.