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Software AG has entered into a collaboration agreement with Automation Anywhere. Software AG’s ARIS platform will bookend Automation Anywhere RPA with process mining and process management. This will improve the discovery of automation opportunities and then management of automated processes.

Automation Anywhere is a leader in RPA technology, demand for which has grown significantly in the last year as companies seek to increase efficiency and cost savings within their organization. Software AG’s brings tools to manage automation as RPA continues to become more commonplace.

“The substantial benefits of intelligent automation technology are becoming more significant for organizations to increase productivity and enhance business resiliency, so it’s important to have the right tools to manage them from beginning to end,” said Griffin Pickard, Director of Technology Alliance Program at Automation Anywhere. “We’re excited to collaborate with Software AG, together we can deliver critical tools that organizations can leverage to streamline workflows and maintain business continuity.”

Marc Vietor, head of Business Transformation at Software AG, added: “If RPA is effectively a member of the workforce, ARIS is the HR department to look after them. It’s important that businesses have the visibility to not only spot good opportunities to automate manual processes, but that they can optimize and develop their robotic processes too. If the platforms or applications that the robots work with change, something has to spot whether they can cope with that change. In the same way that if a human’s job role changes, the business lead is there to ensure the right guidance training is provided to manage that transition. The combination of Software AG and Automation Anywhere creates a complete package for businesses transformation end-to-end.”

Please read the complete information about this cooperation in the latest press release:

Software AG and Automation Anywhere collaborate on automation


by Caspar Jans
Badge for 'Influencer' achievement
Posted on Wed, 02/10/2021 - 08:50

Hi Markus, that is great news. Just curious, how does this collaboration compare to the one we already have with Kryon. Are we talking about the same level of collaboration or differently?


by Markus Joldzic Author
Posted on Thu, 03/11/2021 - 12:31

Hi Caspar, we will continue both collaborations and both will be seen on the same level.


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