
installing aris design server failed with error:

2017-02-08 10:02:44,036|INFO |main| IShield - sz_stderr :     Nothing to process.    On node localhost the instance zoo_m isn't configured.    

2017-02-08 10:02:44,036|INFO |main| IShield - command : wait for started zoo_m timeout 300000

2017-02-08 10:02:48,092|INFO |main| IShield - sz_stdout :

2017-02-08 10:02:48,092|INFO |main| IShield - sz_stderr : Could not read state of runnable zoo_m on node localhost: Runnable instance ID "zoo_m" does not exist.

2017-02-08 10:02:51,040|INFO |main| IShield - Dialog : SdFinish szMsg1: Errors occurred during the installation process. Unable to install. For further information please refer to file '%temp%/ARIS_Install.log'.

Any help would be appreciated



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