I've created a query to present Roles in Process models within a Group/folder subtree, focusing on which Functions they interact with, and realized it was fairly easy to extract RASCI columns in the spreadsheet view to show exactly what they do, using the QUERY_IS_CONNECTED() function (with some digging to identify the API names of the connection types we've actually used in our filter). The query works fine as long as I stick to a single Group/folder. When I allow Groups/folders to recurse through a hierarchy, however, I get the Roles and Functions just fine, but the RASCI columns are missing from all but the top Group/folder models. 

Is this a known error? We're still on version 10.0.21 of ARIS Enterprise.

Query definition (attached as EQI file):
Query graphics
Spreadsheet template:
Spreadsheet template
Result for top folder models (as expected):

Result for nested folder (there should be a bunch of R's in the indicated column):

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