I am using ARIS Bus Architect 7.1 and encountered the following problem:

a) When I move a model to a random group, there is no problem.

b) When I move a model to a group that I created myself, I get the message. 

while I have RWD rights on the target folder (because I created it).

Two strange observations:

1) If I delete these private access rights, and I only keep the RW access rights I have via a user group, then there is no problem to move the model.

2) The help function is unclear about whether delete rights are necessary. The help page with the title Which priviliges are required for moving models within a database? states "If you want to move a model from one group to another, you must have the delete privilege for both source and target group."

While the page with the title Move items within a database states "you need the Write access privilege for the target group". This was also in the pdf-document of Software AG describing the new features of ARIS 7.1.

Does anyone have an idea I cannot move models to (sub)groups I created myself? And why it works when the private access rights are deleted?

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