Profile picture for user sstein

If you were visiting ARIS Community in the past hours, you may have seen a message "Access denied" if you saw something at all. ARIS Community crashed completely. Good news: This wasn't a hacker attack! There were just too many visitors accessing the page at the same time.

Today, we sent a newsletter announcing again that ARIS is now freely available for students and researchers. If you regularly follow ARIS Community, you are probably aware of that. It seems we reached a lot of people who had not seen that offer and shortly after sending the newsletter the server gave up.

I like to apologize for the inconvenience caused. Tomorrow, we will resend passwords to those users, who tried to register during the past hours so that they can get the free ARIS edition.

by Stuart Holtby
Posted on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 16:09

This is also likely why the download site is painfully slow?

by France Nkoe
Posted on Fri, 07/27/2018 - 15:48

Good day,

Can anyone share with me a script that create new objects and its attributes from a spreadsheet? I am using ARIS 7.2.

I am really under pressure and have lost my data.

Thank you in advance.


by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Mon, 07/30/2018 - 11:31

Hello France,

there are 2 reports in ARIS standard to accomplish this. One report writes an Excel template to your disk. There is a tab "Objects" inside, which you can use to provide the data of all object definitions you want to create. On other tabs you have to provide the information how the aliases for your attributes map to ARIS object and attribute types by assigning the API names (or GUIDs) to each alias.

With the second report you import the filled-in Excel File and create all the object definitions. The report provides more features. For example you can create an arbitrary number of hierarchically structured models.


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