the server certificate of IDS Scheer timed out this week (30/03/2012). In order to make it running again you have to download the ssl patch and to install it on the server ****and**** on the client side.
Do not forget to put a reminder in your calendar, the patch certificate will expire in Spetember 2012.
Hope you have found this before investing hours in thinking about why 6?
The new certificates are available here:
Hi Cay,
yes, the certificate of ARIS Express times out as well.
The only way to update the certificate would be to release a new version of ARIS Express. Currently, there is no plan to release a new version of ARIS Express. But actually, there is no need to update the certificate, Express is still running with the old one.
Hi, day has come ......
Is there an ARIS Patch araound now or do we need now to upgrade to 7.2.x?
The SSL certificate delivered with the ARIS Versions from ARIS 7.0.2 up to ARIS 7.2.2 expires on March 30th, 2012.
The new certificate will expires at Sept. 05th, 2012.
After this date, SSL secured connections are no longer possible between ARIS Platform clients and ARIS Business Server.
To retain this functionality without having to upgrade to the upcoming version ARIS 7.2.3, you have to exchange the listed files manually with the content from this patch.
An ARIS 7.2.3 update setup does exchange these files automatically.
The ARIS Platform local database system server does not require this SSL patch.
Please stop the ARIS Business Server before exchanging the files !
ARIS Business Server:
<ARIS installation directory>\server\endorsed\ssl.jar
<ARIS installation directory>\server\endorsed\ociplugins.1.0.0.jar
Web download client: (default directory used by standard installation)
<ARIS installation directory>\server\html\lib\ociplugins.jar.pack.gz
<ARIS installation directory>\server\html\lib\aris_loader.jar (do not copy this file for ARIS 7.0.2 and 7.1.x, only for versions 7.2.x)
Installed ARIS Platform client:
<ARIS installation directory>\javaclient\lib\ociplugins.jar
Newest infromation is that the Certificates on the
contain new certificates - certificates that are valid after 05/09/2012.
Files in there are from June, I try .....
Dear Pierre,
Have you downloaded the provided certificates from here?
Yes, but it seems that they are the same as the those I have downloaded on march
The different dates in the zip file indcate:
ssl.jar 2012-05-15
ociplugins.1.0.0.jar 2012-03-16
Are there new certificates that allow to use SSL after the 2012-09-09? If yes til which date?
Dear Pierre,
The certificates are valid from 15.05.2012 until 16.05.2014. if you have problems using the certificates, please contact Global Support ARIS.