Hello everybody! 

I am trying to set my first data feed and then dashboard in ARIS connect but have troubles with the connection from a data query. 

I created a new data feed from an ARIS-Table and pasted the URL that was generated by ARIS Architect (I did not modify it)

I have set my username and password inside the parameters. However, I have a 308 error code when trying to load the data: 

Der Verbindungsaufbau ist fehlgeschlagen.
JBPMZCE0350 - Verbindung mit Ressource kann nicht hergestellt werden. Status "308 - Permanent Redirect" wird zurückgegeben.
JBPMZCE0354 - Fehler beim Berechnen des Datenfeeds.
JBPMZCE0215 - Fehler beim Berechnen des Datenfeeds ffb157aa-04cd-4d4c-8e24-826e112615eb.

Do you know what happens here and how I can properly access my data in ARIS Dashboards? 

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