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We have rolled out a new ARISalign version over the weekend, so let me share what is new and what has changed:

* We have continued to work on process model editor stability. It is looking much better now. Of course, there is still room for improvement, but we have made a lot of progress.

* You can now invite people to projects / groups via email. This allows you to also invite people that are not part of your ARISalign network or that haven't joined ARISalign yet.

* Not only can you can now export process models from ARISalign into ARIS Express, but you can re-import them back into ARISalign. Please note that you can only import a model from ARIS Express if this model was originally created in ARISalign.

* You can now link directly to a discussion topic. Previously, it was only possible to link to the discussions page, but not to a specific topic on that page. Discussion topics that appear in the What's Happening stream can now be accessed directly. Also, you can use the "copy link" functionality on a discussion topic to create a direct link to the topic which you can copy & paste wherever you want.

* There is now a short Getting Started video on the HOME page that gives a quick introduction to ARISalign whiteboarding and process modeling.


What is next in the pipeline?

* More transparency for users for what is happening in the ARISalign group discussions

* Ability to print a process model in ARISalign

* More bug fixes in various areas

Feel free to suggest other things that you would like to see in ARISalign. You can either post your thoughts right here, or you can post it on ARISalign while you are taking a look at the new stuff.

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