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Most process designers struggle with the same questions in their early days. How should I name the process? What should be included? What do I need to consider - and how? Did I miss something? Or in short, they are missing best practices to get the most out of their processes.

The cheat sheet "Process Checklist with ARIS" aims at delivering answers for those questions. It delivers best practices as a checklist, so that you can easily go through it step by step. Not everything needs to be done from the beginning but it guides you through different levels of maturity.

I would personally see steps one to four (name, objective, owner, responsibilities) as mandatory for all processes. Most organizations already include systems (which is part of step 5) from the beginning, while further information is added when needed. Step 6 becomes obligatory, when you aim at managing risks in a structured way. Finally, step 7 puts you into the King's class of process management in terms of operational efficiency and control.

My recommendation: Look at the cheat sheet to get an overview. Use it to define a standard for your processes and implement it everywhere in your process landscape. Extend your standard, to implement new use cases.

Just try it out and start your free trial.

Process checklist for ARIS

You think the cheat sheet is good? If you do, please go ahead, like it and share it with your colleagues. I’m sure they will appreciate it. ;)

And if you have got any feedback, please feel free to share it with us anytime. :-)

by Garcia Diego
Posted on Sat, 10/09/2021 - 21:45

Excelente información,


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