Are you looking for something special? Here is a cool offer for every student interested in pursuing a future career. With our top in the market BPM platform ARIS, you can take the first step towards Business Process Management expertise.

Unversity Relations

As a student, you should explore your new skills with Software AG University Relations. They bring a special opportunity for all students to learn more about BPM world and discover the basics of ARIS. What´s more, you can make this experience more practical with ARIS certification. In other words, don´t wait and get proof of your ARIS & BPM skillset by gaining the university relations certificate. In addition, you will be rewarded with our special ARIS Community achievement, the University Alum badge

How to gain the University Alum badge? 

If you are interested in achieving this badge, aka proof of your excellent knowledge, follow these three steps: 

  • Read and watch these tutorials. Don’t be scared, it´s fun. :-D 

  • Successfully complete the ARIS exam and you will receive your ARIS Certificate

  • Then, add this accomplishment to your social/professional networks with the keywords “Business Process Management” and “ARIS”. Why not be proud of it? 

What else? 

This badge isn’t our only ARIS Community reward, there are many more badges worth earning. You can also collect points for your activity in the ARIS Community. The University Alum badge brings you 25 points.  Or do you just need a good laugh today? Check out this hilarious series of fun videos

Let´s get this certificate! 

Zuzana from ARIS Community team 

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