The first ARIS day of IUG in Riga started with great presentations in the morning and made participants curious for the following slots in the afternoon. Right after lunch we continued with interactive sessions with demos. We prepared three parallel sessions with three different topics to give everybody the chance to participate in all three of them:
- Role-based & visualization with focus on ARIS Connect
- Content lifecycle management with focus on ARIS Process Governance
- Easy content capturing for the ARIS repository
Users shared interesting examples and experience from their own projects. This made the sessions very vital and valuable, so time was almost too short. In the end, the audience got some inspiration and takeaways from the presenters from ARIS product management.
See for yourself:
Five takeaways for working with ARIS Connect and role-based visualization
ARIS Process Governance is the better choice
Smart modeling and contribution with ARIS Connect