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The new ARIS 10 SR 22 release comes with exciting news also in the area of ARIS Task Mining and RPA.

With the new Process Discovery’s deployment, supporting 300 simultaneous bots and allowing the execution of more user actions, you will experience better performance in your bots.

ARIS RPA includes a new API that cannot only deploy and trigger bots but also allows the setup, editing, and customization of new bots in just one server.

Also, the Task Mining release offers some news like the added Ignored Mode feature. This allows you to grey out or exclude unwanted recorded events from the Unified Graph and the exported CSV and BPMN output files.

Your benefits at a glance:

  1. Improve your automation capabilities: Integrate RPA with more third-party systems expanding your automation capabilities.
  2. Increase scalability: Scale your automation efforts by maintaining more bots on a single server.
  3. Reduce your maintenance costs: More bots on a single server can help to reduce your maintenance costs. 
  4. Increase your processing times: With 300 bots working simultaneously you will be able to speed up your overall efficiency.
  5. Improve your data analytics: More bots, more data, and therefore more insights into your processes. In combination with ARIS Process Mining, you will quickly identify areas for improvement and optimization.

If you want to know more: ARIS 10 SR 22 is available−Find all news here | ARIS BPM Community (

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