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***Please note: Current release number is ARIS 10 SR23, available since June 2023. All feature updates described for SR22 are also valid for SR23.***

I’m very excited to announce that the new ARIS 10 SR22 has been released today!

ARIS is the only tool on the market that fully integrates process mining, process design, and risk and compliance management to cover the entire process lifecycle. The new release will bring these topics even closer together.

Embracing change is the only alternative in the age of digital transformation. High inflation, increased insecurities in supply chains, and the rise of cyber attacks are just some examples of today’s challenges. Changed customer behavior, the need for sustainability paired with ever growing regulations put enormous pressure on companies to be agile and adaptive.

ARIS gives you the tools you need to master your digital transformation and achieve sustainable operational excellence.

Check out the new features of ARIS 10 SR22 and see how they can increase your efficiency:

Click on the links in the list to learn more details about the new features!

Where to find more information:

ARIS 10 SR 22 features overview presentation

ARIS 10 SR 22 features overview fact sheet

Webinar: See what’s new in the ARIS 10 SR22 Release


by Axel Rose
Posted on Sun, 05/07/2023 - 19:46

Thanks, Is this released as a docker container? If so, could you please advice where it's publshed?

by Axel Rose
Posted on Tue, 05/09/2023 - 11:46

Thanks, but this was available  in SR 10, so it's a bit of a step backwards.

The installation process is extremely convoluted with linux install requiring a windows machine for some reason. 

Having a container based solution for this is the industry standard, is this somthing you hope to support in the future?

by Elke Bastian Author
Posted on Tue, 05/09/2023 - 17:55

Hi Axel, I'm sorry. It is no longer supported since SR13. There are currently no plans to make it available again. For more technical details or help with the installation I suggest that you get in touch with the ARIS support.


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