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Today is a very exciting day, because today member 1.000 registered at the ARIS Community! We were confident that there is a public interest in a community for ARIS and BPM geeks, but we are absolutely overwhelmed by the incredible uptake so far.

The community is now online since just 3 weeks, but people from all over the world already registered and started posting topics and questions. However, there are some posts, which were not answered yet. Maybe you know an answer and can help your fellow community members? Here are the direct links to the unanswered posts:

Currently, we are improving the usability of the community and we are also working on preparing a first beta version of ARIS Express. We know that the user interface of the community is not perfect yet, but we already implemented some important improvements. Please go on sending us your suggestions so that we know what bothers you most!

You can also help us by spreading the word about ARIS Community. Take a moment and send the link to your colleagues, who might be also interested in BPM and ARIS. Also, post your ARIS related questions or share with all of us your BPM experience!

by Ayazul Haque
Posted on Fri, 06/26/2009 - 19:56

Where are 1000 members?..I am not able to find an ARIS Administrator to fill a position in Atlanta, GA. Any help would be highly appreciated.



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