Profile picture for user sstein

In the past weeks, some of our ARIS experts started publishing a set of free-of-charge ARIS reports and macros. In this thread, I collect links to those posts. I will update this thread in case new reports/macros become available. Also, ping me in case you know other great resources about report and macro programming in ARIS.

There is a dedicated group for discussions around report & macro programming in ARIS. In case you are using reports & macros, make sure to join the group and post your questions!

List of free-of-charge ARIS reports & macros

User contributed free ARIS reports & macros

Useful links about ARIS reports & macros

by arzu kanturk
Posted on Thu, 06/03/2010 - 20:50


I am working in a a bank and I am modelling IT processes. I have a problem about RACI. There are many positions with connected  a function. Thus I define FAD and add positions to FAD. But FAD with connected positions aren't seeing, when I create RACI matrix

I need RACI matrix examples  or books. Are there any book or aris script examples?

Could you help me about subject?

Thank you

by Juan Arce
Posted on Thu, 10/21/2010 - 16:48

Hello, I'm a new ARIS user and I'm tryig to create a report that summarizes a process diagram, considering that i have no programmig knowledge i noticed the Process Manual report and i think is a good starting point but I need to add additional information of the model (such as documents, relationships, etc) to the report but I'm only able to include "Attribute Values". In summary what I need to do is: 1. Incorporate model information different that "Attributes values" such as documents, relationships, etc 2. Sort the table by how the process flows, I haven't figured out how is currently sorted. Thank you in advance for your support Regards Juan

by Aluysio Gothardo Cruz
Posted on Tue, 01/04/2011 - 18:13

Hi. I'm back to work with this tool, and I would like to know if anyone have experience modelling dimensional tables and fact tables within ARIS environment. I'm a little bit confuse in some features about documentation of attributes and to relate some IT sources. Please, if you can post a clue, would be fine! Thanks



by Ed Tom
Posted on Wed, 02/02/2011 - 22:46

Is there a report available that can generate a model graphic, especially for matices?


by Joyce Leftly
Posted on Wed, 04/06/2011 - 21:23

I am also a new ARIS user.   Is there a report that I can run to see which of our ARIS users has not logged onto the tool in the past 'x' number of months ?   Or which ones have not made any updates ?

We are looking for an easy way to see which users have not been using ARIS - so we can provide coaching or additional training if needed.

by Martin Schröder
Badge for 'Contributor' achievement
Posted on Thu, 04/07/2011 - 17:56

You would need to activate a log of user sessions connected to an Aris Business server (cf. accountinglog)

As there is no out of the box report to analyze usage you could transform the resulting xml file into a spreadsheet table by means of XSLT.


To check for updates on model contents or objects you can

by peter brown
Posted on Sun, 12/04/2011 - 05:51


I am Aris user,and I want to known how to get sub model information(second hierarchy model information) from current model in reports ,

Could you give me some advice or clue,Thanks a lot.

by Tim Dossett
Posted on Mon, 05/14/2012 - 18:21

By the way are there any reports for DODAF v2.0

by Martin Mellor
Posted on Tue, 04/12/2016 - 14:11

When upgrading from ARIS 7.x to ARIS 9.x, I know there is a macro (Adapt model layout to new symbol sizes) for adapting a single model layout for the new ARIS symbol sizes,  however, is there a macro available that will do all models in one go? If a client has many models, then with the current macro adapting one model at a time, this could take a large amount of time.

by Robert Goldenbaum
Badge for 'Question Solver' achievement
Posted on Tue, 04/12/2016 - 14:29

In reply to by martin_mellor

Hi Martin,

as far as I know, the macro can be used from the search - so you could do it for all models at once. Or at least in multiple runs...


by Tim Weare
Posted on Tue, 04/12/2016 - 14:43

You can run the macro from, model, folder/group or database level. Be careful, if you run it on models that have already had it performed it changes them again and places large amounts of space between objects. I would recommend doing a database backup before running the macro.


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